Our next title is the eagerly awaited
The Ghosts & Scholars Book of Shadows.
For September 2012 Sarob Press is hugely delighted to present a collection of truly
Jamesian ghost stories. These twelve stories are the winners in
The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter prequel/sequel competition. All are previously unpublished except “Quis est Iste?”which appeared earlier this year in
The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter as the overall competition winner. This volume is an absolute MUST for all Jamesian admirers and collectors. Stories (and their M.R. James inspirations): “Alberic de Mauléon” by Helen Grant (“Canon Alberic's Scrap-book”); “Anningley Hall, Early Morning” by Rick Kennett (“The Mezzotint”); “The Mezzotaint” by John Llewellyn Probert (“The Mezzotint”); “Quis est Iste?” by Christopher Harman (“Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad”); “The Guardian” by Jacqueline Simpson (“The Treasure of Abbot Thomas”); “Between Four Yews” by Reggie Oliver (“A School Story”); “The Mirror of Don Ferrante” by Louis Marvick (“Casting the Runes”); “Fire Companions” by Mark Valentine (“Two Doctors”); “Of Three Girls and of Their Talk” by Derek John (“Wailing Well”); “The Gift” by C.E. Ward (“The Experiment”); “Malice” by David A. Sutton (“The Malice of Inanimate Objects”); “Glamour of Madness” by Peter Bell (“A Vignette”).
Edited & Introduced by Rosemary Pardoe. Includes “Notes on the Authors”.
Full colour wrap cover art by Paul Lowe (based on “Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad” by M.R. James).
Limited Edition Numbered Hardcover. Printed Boards. Cream Bookwove. Coloured Endpapers.
(inclusive of Postage & Packing from within the UK for pre-publication orders as shown)
UK: UK £28.00 (2nd Class Post) Europe: 35,00 euros (Air Mail)
USA & Rest of World: US $49.50 (Surface Mail) or US $52.50 (Air Mail ~ Note Extra Charge for Air Mail)
News got out early and we already (unsurprisingly) have a healthy amount of interest in this book, so we suggest you order your copy early as we fully expect this volume to sell out very very quickly indeed.
E-mail sarobpress@gmail.com to order/reserve your copy and make payment by one of the methods detailed below.
Paypal: visit www.paypal.com and send payment using our e-mail address sarobpress@gmail.com
Cheque (payable to ROBERT MORGAN) [UK £ or USA $* only]
*Please ADD US $2.50 for Conversion Fees if paying by USA $ check. Or keep the cost down and pay by PAYPAL.
Cash. Cash at Senders Risk. (Euros ~ Paypal or Cash Only).
A pdf flyer is available by email ~ if you want me to send this along then just drop an email to sarobpress@gmail.com
Cheers, Robert.
Remitted the money just now.