Tuesday, 23 February 2021


I’m hoping to be ready to announce the first very exciting Sarob Press title of 2021 (a 12-story collection by Shirley Jackson Award winner Steve Duffy) within around two or three weeks. 

Watch this space as they say.

In the meantime, just a reminder to folk that our December 2020 title, Ill Met By Darkness (four original ‘folkish-horror’ novelettes/novellas by the ever excellent Paul Finch) is in stock and still available to order.

Also currently available (but both low stock) is Their Dark & Secret Alchemy (novellas by Richard Gavin, Colin Insole and Damian Murphy) and Legionnaire (a signed stand-alone ghostly novella by C.E. Ward with quite amazing ~ and terrifying (see here) ~ wrap-jacket art by the brilliant Paul Lowe).

Take care and keep safe everyone.

Cheers, Robert.

Wednesday, 10 February 2021


Please note our address (see right) has changed very slightly ... the house now has a number. 
Cheers, Robert.